
@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
public final class DeviceParametersBuilders.DeviceParameters

Parameters describing the device requesting a layout update. This contains physical and logical characteristics about the device (e.g. screen size and density, etc).


Nested types

Builder for DeviceParameters

Public methods

@Nullable DeviceParametersBuilders.Capabilities

Gets renderer supported Capabilities.


Gets the platform of the device.

@FloatRange(from = 0.0, fromInclusive = false, toInclusive = false) float

Gets current user preference for the scaling factor for fonts displayed on the display.

@NonNull VersionBuilders.VersionInfo

Gets the maximum schema version supported by the current renderer.

@FloatRange(from = 0.0, fromInclusive = false, toInclusive = false) float

Gets density of the display.

@Dimension(unit = 0) int

Gets height of the device's screen in DP.


Gets the shape of the device's screen.

@Dimension(unit = 0) int

Gets width of the device's screen in DP.

@NonNull String

Public methods


Added in 1.0.0
public @Nullable DeviceParametersBuilders.Capabilities getCapabilities()

Gets renderer supported Capabilities.


Added in 1.0.0
public int getDevicePlatform()

Gets the platform of the device.


Added in 1.0.0
public @FloatRange(from = 0.0, fromInclusive = false, toInclusive = false) float getFontScale()

Gets current user preference for the scaling factor for fonts displayed on the display. This value is used to get from SP to DP (dp = sp * font_scale).


Added in 1.0.0
public @NonNull VersionBuilders.VersionInfo getRendererSchemaVersion()

Gets the maximum schema version supported by the current renderer. When building a layout that uses features not available on schema version 1.0 , this can be used to conditionally choose which feature to use.


Added in 1.0.0
public @FloatRange(from = 0.0, fromInclusive = false, toInclusive = false) float getScreenDensity()

Gets density of the display. This value is the scaling factor to get from DP to Pixels (px = dp * density).


Added in 1.0.0
public @Dimension(unit = 0) int getScreenHeightDp()

Gets height of the device's screen in DP.


Added in 1.0.0
public int getScreenShape()

Gets the shape of the device's screen.


Added in 1.0.0
public @Dimension(unit = 0) int getScreenWidthDp()

Gets width of the device's screen in DP.


public @NonNull String toString()